2025 Bend Emerging Talent Passports on Sale Now!
In 2025, we will continue to offer countless ways for you to learn, network, and connect with community happenings. The easiest and most cost effective way to gain access to these opportunities is through an ET Passport.
Purchase an Individual or Business Flex Passport and join us for an exclusive Passport Launch Party on February 5th at US Bank!
Available NOW Through JANUARY 28.
Passport Options
If you are (or aspire to be) a regular at our events, a Passport offers the best value for money. Passports are available for Individuals and Teams.
These single fees cover over $900 worth of programming!
$300 for Chamber Members
$350 for Non-Members
Get all of the Passport holder benefits plus exclusive access to our highly impactful Mentorship Program.
Starting at: $575
The Business Flex Passport allows different members of your team to take advantage of Bend Emerging Talent networking and educational events at one low cost.
Covers one team member per event each time.